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ASA-72 — Alarm Status Panel

The ASA-72 provides alarm status for 72 alarm zones, reader activity, reader status and employee attendanceregister (when used with ASW-16 program or AP-550 system). It contains its own processor and serial communications link to the AP-550 reader or AAM-80/20 alarm/access multiplexer. The ASA-72 monitors and displays alarm and zone trouble as well as non-alarm status. A single tri-color LED per zone displays red for Alarm, orange for Trouble and green for Non-alarm zone status. The ASA-72 contains an audible alaer (buzzer), and alarm acknowledgement and LED test switches. Unacknowledged alarm/troubles flash LEDs and acknowledged alarm/trouble LEDs are ON steady. The user can type zone ID on paperboard name plates which are provided, and then insert them adjacent to the LEDs. Alarms/troubles can be acknowledged using the acknolwedgement push button switch (ACK) or over the communication link from AAM-80/20. The ASA-72 also monitors and displays reader activity and reader status. Conditions such as access granted/denied, duress, on-line, off-line, tamper, held open, forced open and auxiliary alarm are displayed on the ASA-72. Also a LED (HOST) is provided to indicate if the ASA-72 is communicating with the system. An additional four LEDs (ON LINE) are provided to indicate if each alarm input module is on-line and communicating with the system. A test switch (TEST) verifies all LED conditions (alarm, trouble or secure). The ASA-72 can display the alarm/trouble status of up to four APA-15/16 or APD-15 alarm input modules. The alarm input module status is mapped to the ASA-72 by the AP-550 reader or the AAM/AAN processor module. Each AAM/AAN module can support four 72 zone alarm status panels (ASA-72). Each ASA-72 comes enclosed in a cabinet with 115/230 Vac or 24Vdc power input.


  • 72 Tri-color LEDs (alarm/trouble/OK status)
  • Monitors alarms, troubles, non-alarm, duress
  • Provides local acknowledgement
  • Provides local LED test audible output upon new alarm or trouble
  • Supports 72 zones (4 sixteen zone alarm input modules and reader alarms)
  • RS-485 serial communications
  • Provides one on-line communication LED for each alarm input module (4 total)
  • Monitors alarm panel tamper/power fail

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