Products / Controllers / AAN-4
Apollo AAN-4/2/1
Apollo AAN-4/2/1
Integrated Controller / Reader Interface
Apollo’s AAN-4 Integrated Controller-Interfaces give you the best of both worlds by combining a powerful controller directly with reader/door control. Enjoy the flexibility to choose the right controller for your application, supporting combinations of four, two or one readers with door hardware.
- Supports 4 readers, keypads or reader/keypad combinations for 4 door control
- Full Stand Alone Operation with Local database of 20,000 cards or 7,000 events
- Multiple Card Formats
- Up to 8 Facility Codes
- 38 Access Levels Per Card
- Activation/Deactivation Time
- 8 Relay Outputs (4 Door strike, 4 Auxiliary)
- Control of up to 16 ADA-10/11 High Security Relay Output Modules
- RS-485 or RS-232
- 12 Inputs (4 Door Contact, 4 Exit Pushbutton, 4 Auxiliary)
- 3 Color LED Support
- Field-Replaceable plug-in communication drivers
- Surface-mount manufacturing technology